Mythica Woodland, Sunny Beach, SL

This Map shows Mythica Woodland at Sunny Beach, in SecondLife. As with the InWorldz map, we are only showing some major landmarks. There are way too many interesting spots to list them all on one map. As a matter of fact, even though I have been contributing builds for years, I still keep finding new adventures every time I visit.
Sunweaver Hwy Sunny Beach sim is one of the six Sunweaver Estates sims, that are all connected by this highway. You can also fly and sail to the connected sims.
Gathering Oak This is an open air dance club, where you can usually find others on the sim. When this sim was first being developed, I included it in my video tour of Sunweaver Estates. I pointed out that the pond had a kind of Feng Shui, that makes it a natural gathering place. I called it "the local watering hole". The club fans out from the large oak tree, from which it gets it's name, and is bordered by homes for Elves and Hobbits. Those interested in living here can contact Erik for details. On the North side, you can go fishing in the pond, thanks to the Neo Realms Fishing that Zorro contributed. On the West side, there are teleports, a Stargate for finding new adventures and a campfire, to tell your adventures to others around.
Surfing Wave In a previous incarnation, Sunny Beach had a surfing wave. It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen in SL, so I decided to bring it back and develop it. I look forward to surfing parties and competitions. For those that don't have their own surf board, you can get a free "loaner" in the Dock area. You can also body surf, by flying into it at water level. On either end of the wave path, there are small isles with cannons on top. The cannons do not create any damage and are mostly just symbolic that this sim is a protected area. They are a lot of fun to play with and my alt, Josh X actually got so good that he bounced a cannon ball off my hat.
Woods A large portion of the sim is covered by thick woods. I find the best way to navigate through the woods is in "mouselook".
Moogles Cave There are several species of non-avatar, animated creatures on the sim. In a cave, beneath the waterfall, you will find a group of moogles. It took several tries to make this cave contain them. They are too clever for their own good. Feel free to go in and play with them, as long as you don't help them escape. There are also other animated creatures on the sim, just south of the Gathering Oak. These were inspired by some of Erik's favorite stories and built by our friend, Whiterose. I am always amazed at how clever these creatures seem, given their limited brain powers.
Gazebo This elevated retreat offers a place to sit and contemplate or have private talks with a friend. Being on top of a hill, it offers a great view of this sim and Sunweaver Bay. Following the shore line, in either direction from this hill, you will find beaches with windsurf boards. These boards can sail all around the sim and even into two other sims