Since there were a number of issues going on in different places, a number of rules have been written up for the Mythica Woodland area in Sunny Beach on SL even though I make sure it is in compliance with the COVENANT For Sunweaver Properties. The rules that you must follow to be allowed there are listed below.
- No Drama – Bringing drama of any kind here will not be tolerated here. (It should be noted that Erik Mouse doesn’t make drama, at least none that has been seen. Other people tend to use him to make drama because the nature of his disability makes him vulnerable to be used that way, while leaving him with no means to effectively defend against it. He cannot argue his own defense in a way anyone will accept as legitimate because he cannot protect emotions into chat. All Erik Mouse can do is sit there and say he didn’t do such and such or he had no such intentions as he’s being accused of, in a totally unconvincing way.)
- No Griefing – Any attempts at griefing will not be tolerated here and will be dealt with swiftly including abuse reports being filed.
- No ANTIFA Crap – Any ANTIFA related activities including threats of violence in order to try to get the Gathering Oak closed down or causing an ANTIFA riot there against it will not be tolerated here and will likely get you reported.
- No Harassment – Harassment or threats of any kind will not be tolerated here and will be dealt with swiftly up to and including abuse reports being filed. (It should be noted that using interstate communications or over the internet communications to harass or bully an autistic handicapped person is likely a Federal Offense and could get the offender in a lot of trouble.)
- No Trolling – Any attempts at trolling or being a plain nuisance here will not be tolerated here.
- No Vore Play – Vore Play of most kinds which includes eating others will not be tolerated here. You should already know that you are supposed to tip the mousey dancer, not eat the mousey dancer. (It should be noted that vore play being forced on Erik Mouse after you have been told not to will upset him, just don’t do it. The fairy mice are also under protections, please seek your dinner elsewhere.)
- No Vampire Feeding – Vampire feeding or biting to drink blood will not be tolerated here. This especially includes bloodlines vampire feeding which is strictly forbidden here and will be dealt with harshly. (It should be noted that Erik Mouse and the other fairy mice have garlic necklaces that protect them from this as fairy mouse blood is off-limits here.)
- No Using the Mythica Woodland name without consent - Using Mythica Woodland or any story place or character including the likeness of any character (especially Kane Fox, his family, and Lindsey the Elf Girl) anywhere else without discussing it in length with Erik Mouse for his permission will not be tolerated. This includes the abusive use of any of his creations, which is strictly forbidden. If you want to use any of Erik Mouse's story places or the names and likenesses of any of my characters, please consult with him for his consent and permission before and prior to doing so. Failure to do so can and will lead to serious consequences, which include the offender being banned and abuse reported. (It should be noted the offender could end up in trouble with the law for committing a Federal Offence if it also falls under harassment (See No Harassment) and doing prison time for it.
Excellent rules, sir Erik