Wednesday, January 30

Help Stop Smart Meters + 5G

Help Stop Smart Meters + 5G

No Smart MetersNow for something completely different that I felt worth talking about here. This was not known until over a month ago when Erik Mouse decided to take a break due to all that has been going with the transitioning from InWorldz to the new grid that had been known as Islandz Virtual World. While he was feeling a bit depressed by this, he was looking at other things instead and found out about Smart Meters being installed on houses. He also found out about there being bad and concerning issues with them that was not helping him feel any better. Issues such as house fires and health issues caused by Smart Meters, privacy issues and the utility companies planning on having the costumers pay for the cost of the Smart Meters by jacking up the bills, and that they will harm vegetation, bees, birds, .etc around them.

Erik Mouse wasn't sure what to do at first, but then he found groups on Facebook such as Pennsylvanians Against Smart Meters (PASM), Pennsylvanians for Analog Choice (PAC), and Stop Smart Meters In Pennsylvania that seemed to have helped him feel more better after joining them. It seemed things were okay until he received an "Introduction to Smart Meters" pamphlet in the mail from the Electric Utility Company which made him feel concerned since his electric meter is still analog and is located on the outside of his wall where his mother usually sits on the couch to watch TV. Luckily, Erik Mouse had convinced his mother to not want a Smart Meter after convincing her of the concerns he has for it. For the time being, it seemed like things were going to be alright, but then he received another letter in the mail from the Electric Utility Company in the mail regarding exchanging an electric meter at his address a few weeks ago. This made him concerned and went to talk to his mother again, this time getting her to send out complaint letter to the Public Utility Commission to try to see about slowing them down or perhaps stopping them.

The good news though, is that a lot of people are working to get the law charged to either allow for analog choice or stop the roll out of the Smart Meters altogether, which is according to a couple of the listed Facebook groups. On a side note, it seems like it is connected with the roll out of 5G which is not good as there are major concerns there with the radiation frequency from small cell wireless and the close approximate placement of them, on top of already existing EMF radiation from wireless. This is all being done in violation of the right of way in front of people's homes and without the consent or input from residents of a number of areas. For more information about that and ways to help stop the roll out of 5G, please check out the Stop5G group on Facebook. Another group worth checking out there is the 5G Mass Action Campaign Group if you are looking to join a campaign to stop the roll out of 5G. And if you are worried about the effects this would have on the neighbor trees and want to find ways to save them, you can check out the Protect Our Trees From 5G! group.

If you have any information that can be useful regarding the concerns Erik Mouse has with Smart Smarts, know what is going on with the Public Utility Commission or anything about any laws being changed to stop the illegal mandatory of Smart Meters from being rolled out, or can help him with any additional steps he might need to take to help stop the electric company from exchanging out his electric meter without his consent, please Contact the Editor and let him know. Any help here that you can provide will be greatly appreciated as he lives on a large area of property where seventy-five to eighty percent of it is wooded. You can also send an email to and he will get back to you to chat with you about what help you are able to provide him.

Tuesday, January 29

Beginning of the planning stage of the development on a region

Beginning of the planning stage of the development on a region

OS Grid LogoIt had been a while since the last post and Erik Mouse has begun the planning stage of a region he has running off the machine he uses as a server. He has been searching for stuff to use at this time and has been having good luck so far as he already found and obtained a number of things to use for the project such as a number of trees, pathways to look at, and parts for a castle to look at and has started sorting through them. Erik Mouse is still looking for nature and water sounds for a forest he is planning on his region, and has already located and acquired one hobbit style home along with a bunch of furniture to look at to possibly use inside it with other stuff he has.

If you are wondering what it looks like, this is a snapshot of it that was taken of it on his region.
Hobbit Style Home On OS Grid
Erik Mouse had gotten some help already including with getting Becky Shaman to show up on the region in OS Grid for a short while trying to figure out to edit or move things and had caused one castle building to fall apart due to physical instead of phantom being set on it by mistake after the object was un-linked. It had taken some time to get most of it cleaned up, but still not much work had been done.

At this time, Erik Mouse still looks like a little wooden bear as shown below as he still hasn't found a good tiny mouse avatar that he likes yet.

Tiny Wooden Bear Mouse

He is also still looking for anyone who can help build stuff including possibly tiny avatars and components at this time. If you can help or know anyone who can and would be willing to help, please Contact the Editor and let him know. Any help here that you can provide will be greatly appreciated as Riven has been a very special place to Erik Mouse. You can also send an email to and he will get back to you to chat with you about what help you are able to provide him.